There is a way which seems right to a man, but it's end is the way to death.
1)Which bird brought food to Elijah?
A - Dove
B - Swallow
C - Raven
D - Pigeon
2)Which bird was given to the children of Israel in the wilderness for food?
A - Partridge
B - Pheasant
C - Quail
D - Albatross
3)Elijah prophesied that the birds of the air would eat the bodies of this man's family:
A - Ahab
B - Jehu
C - Jehoshaphat
D - Zerubbabel
4)Jesus confronted people selling doves...
A - in the temple.
B - on the sabbath.
C - for too much money.
D - for cruelty to animals.
5)Which of these was not a clean bird?
A - Dove
B - Vulture
C - Turkey
D - Pigeon
6)How many young pigeons were offered as a sacrifice upon the birth of a firstborn?
A - none
B - one
C - two
D - three
7)Which bird did God say 'lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand, unmindful that a foot may crush them.'
A - osprey
B - swallow
C - ostrich
D - turtledove
8)When God told the children of Israel to turn back into the wilderness and they instead went forward, which nation chased them 'as bees do'?
A - Egyptians
B - Assyrians
C - Philistines
D - Amorites
9)'Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man...
A - dwells in the hearts of believers.
B - is in heaven.
C - walks with in our footsteps.
D - has no place to lay his head.
10)In the days of Jesus two of these birds were sold for a penny.
A - pigeons
B - sparrows
C - wren
D - stork
11)James tells us that all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man. According to James, what cannot be tamed?
A - Insects
B - A child
C - The tongue
D - The heart
12)On which day were birds created?
A - Second
B - Third
C - Fourth
D - Fifth
13)What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark?
A - Dove
B - Lapwing
C - Raven
D - Pigeon
14)When the Gibeonites killed 7 of Saul's household, who protected their bodies from the fowls of the air?
A - Rizpah, Saul's concubine
B - Michal, Saul's daughter
C - Merab, Jonathan's sister
D - Abigail, David's wife
15)Samson's riddle was about bees in.....
A - a tree stump
B - a bear's carcass
C - a cave
D - a lion's carcass
16)Whose hair grew 'like eagle's feathers'?
A - Sennacherib
B - Nebuchadnezzar
C - Samson
D - Gideon
17)They will 'soar on wings like eagles':
A - Those who hope in the LORD
B - Those who follow the truth
C - Those who pray without ceasing
D - Those who reject evildoers
18)One of the four faces of the living creatures that Ezekiel saw was which bird?
A - Eagle
B - Raven
C - Hawk
D - Stork
19)The spirit of God descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove after this event:
A - The transfiguration
B - His baptism
C - His temptation
D - His crucifixion
20)Who interpreted a dream about birds eating bread out of a basket?
A - Daniel
B - Jacob
C - Joseph
D - Jeremiah
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