Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her;
Isaiah 66:10
1)The following are two of the types of fruit that the spies sent by Moses brought back out of the land of Canaan:
A - apples, pomegranates
B - pomegranates, olives
C - olives,grapes
D - grapes, figs
2)Proverbs tell us that he who tends a fig tree will:
A - become weary
B - eat its fruit
C - grow strong in faith
D - gain wisdom
3)According to Paul, in 1 Timothy, what is a root of all kinds of evil?
A - adultery
B - lying tongue
C - love of money
D - deceitful heart
4)Jesus tells us that good trees:
A - bear good fruit
B - are needed to build a house
C - grow tall and strong
D - have strong roots
5)Paul tells us that if the root is holy, this also is holy:
A - tree
B - leaves
C - fruit
D - branches
6)Adam and Eve were not supposed to eat from the fruit of this tree:
A - apple tree
B - tree of happiness
C - tree of the knowledge of good and evil
D - tree of sin
7)According to Isaiah, the grass withers and flowers fall, but this remains forever:
A - the cedars of Lebanon
B - the word of our God
C - the hope of the righteous
D - the root and the offspring
8)This man is the first recorded to have planted a vineyard (and then got drunk on the wine he made from it):
A - Adam
B - Cain
C - Noah
D - Jacob
9)Isaiah the prophet healed Hezekiah's boil by applying a poultice of:
A - grape leaves
B - figs
C - olives
D - wheat
10)In the parable of the sower, why did the plants get scorched?
A - not enough water
B - too much fertilizer
C - rocky soil
D - shallow roots
11)What kind of leaf did the dove return to Noah's ark with in her mouth?
A - oak
B - olive
C - fig
D - cedar
12)Jesus told his disciples that he would not drink again of the fruit of the vine until:
A - the kingdom of God comes
B - after his resurrection
C - the passover was complete
D - all the world believed
13)Jotham tells an interesting parable where the trees of the forest seek a king. Which of the following accepts the offer:
A - the olive tree
B - the fig tree
C - the vine
D - the thornbush
14)After Adam and Eve knew they were naked, what kind of leaves did they cover themselves with?
A - oak
B - olive
C - fig
D - cedar
15)In the book of Revelation what were the leaves of the tree of life used for?
A - healing of the nations
B - forgiveness of sins
C - truth and guidance
D - restoration of peace
16)According to John the baptist, what would happen to every tree that did not produce good fruit?
A - it would be fertilized
B - it would be watered
C - it would be cut down
D - it would be pruned
17)According to Micah, in the last days men shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and every man shall sit:
A - in the peace of his home
B - under his vine and fig tree
C - on the hill of his foes
D - in the glory of paradise
18)Proverbs tells us that a word fitly spoken is as:
A - apples of gold
B - pomegrantes in bloom
C - a fresh spring
D - a soothing balm
19)God told the Israelites that if they disobeyed him, they would be so full of fear they would flee at the sound of:
A - knocking on the door
B - a crackling branch
C - thunder in the wind
D - a windblown leaf
20)Isaiah tells us that in the future the desert will rejoice and:
A - blossom
B - be glad
C - seek justice
D - be filled with milk and honey
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