He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
1)What tribe did Saul come from?
A - Judah
B - Levi
C - Reuben
D - Benjamin
2)What was Saul doing when he first met Samuel?
A - looking for his father's donkeys
B - killing a lion
C - shepherding sheep
D - getting baptised
3)How did Saul get the people of Israel to fight against Nahash the Ammonite?
A - he threatened them with high taxes
B - he prayed to God for Him to provide an army
C - he cut two oxen in pieces and sent them across the nation
D - he offered plenty of rewards to those who volunteered
4)Why did God not establish Saul's kingdom forever?
A - because he killed too many people
B - because he offered an unlawful sacrifice
C - because he never found his father's donkeys
D - because Samuel did not approve
5)Who was Saul's son?
A - Jonathan
B - David
C - Jacob
D - Ephraim
6)What kind of attitude did Saul have towards himself when God anointed him king over Israel?
A - proud of his great status and beauty
B - he hated all of the wickedness
C - he loved himself
D - he was little in his own eyes
7)When Saul received a distressing spirit from the LORD that troubled him he:
A - sent for David to play the harp for him
B - he got angry and killed his faithful servant
C - ran to Succoth a nearby battle field
D - he broke down on the road to Succoth
8)What did Saul do when David was going to fight Goliath?
A - he reprimanded him and told him to go back
B - he sent David out with a strong army
C - he supplied David with 5 smooth stones
D - he blessed him and offered David his armour
9)After David killed Goliath, Saul:
A - gave David his daughter for a wife
B - rewarded David with a feast
C - would not let David go back to his father
D - made David the ruler over many cities
10)Why did Saul give his daughter to marry David?
A - to reward David for killing Goliath
B - David was desperate for a wife
C - so that she would be a snare to him
D - because she loved David
11)How long was Saul king?
A - 20 years
B - 55 years
C - 10 years
D - 40 years
12)Why did Saul consult a medium?
A - to find out where David was hiding
B - he wanted to trap her for disobeying the law
C - because God did not answer Saul's inquiry
D - to find out if he would win the battle
13)Who was Saul fighting when he died?
A - Ammonites
B - Moabites
C - Philistines
D - Syrians
14)Saul has slain his ________ and David his ______.
A - ten thousands, thousands
B - ten thousands, twenty thousands
C - twenty thousands, thousands
D - thousands, ten thousands
15)On two occasions David played the harp for Saul and Saul tried to kill David with a ________?
A - arrow
B - spear
C - sword
D - sling
16)When Saul went to Ramah to pursue David he:
A - prophesied
B - danced
C - found David and pursued him into the wilderness
D - found David and asked for his forgiveness
17)Who did Saul first command to kill 85 priests in Nob?
A - Jonathan his son
B - the guards who were with him
C - Doeg the Edomite
D - Ahimelech
18)How come David would not kill Saul?
A - Because Saul was stronger
B - Because he was David's father-in-law
C - Because he was the LORD's anointed
D - Because David loved Jonathan, Saul's son
19)Who did Saul ask the medium to bring up for him?
A - Ichabod
B - Samuel
C - Ahimelech
D - Kish
20)Where were Saul and his sons buried?
A - in Egyptian tombs
B - burned in rubbish of Aphek
C - in a royal tomb in Ziklag
D - under a tree in Jabesh
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