Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
1)When Paul reached Troas he broke bread on this day of the week:
A - The first
B - The second
C - The sixth
D - The seventh
2)What did Jacob give Esau along with bread?
A - Flowers
B - Fruit
C - Lentils
D - Venison
3)During the Passover, what kind of bread did the Israelites eat for seven days?
A - Without yeast
B - With yeast
C - Wheat
D - Barley
4)Whose bread were Aaron and his descendants to eat?
A - Moses's
B - God's
C - Abraham's
D - Joshua's
5)This man offered Abraham bread and wine:
A - Shechem
B - Mephibosheth
C - Malchishuah
D - Melchizidek
6)Unleavened bread was also considered the bread of:
A - travel
B - affliction
C - the healthy
D - laughter
7)When the Gibeonites met Joshua their bread was:
A - sticky and wet
B - fresh and warm
C - soft and grainy
D - dry and moldy
8)What became of the man who dreamed he had three baskets of bread on his head?
A - He was hanged
B - He was promoted
C - Nothing
D - He was restored
9)What did Boaz tell Ruth to dip her bread in?
A - garlic
B - butter
C - vinegar
D - gravy
10)What did David eat like bread, while mingling his drink with tears?
A - grapes
B - vultures
C - sackcloth
D - ashes
11)Man shall not live by bread alone but by:
A - water
B - the word of God
C - sleep
D - love
12)This man did not eat bread or drink wine, yet people thought he had a demon:
A - Jesus
B - Peter
C - John the Baptist
D - Paul
13)In Jeremiah, the children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes of bread for:
A - The Queen of Heaven
B - The Lord of Hosts
C - The storehouses of famine
D - The Egyptians
14)Who did Jesus say gave the true bread from heaven?
A - Moses
B - Peter
C - the Father
D - Abraham
15)When Elijah asked a woman from this town for bread, she initially refused.
A - Sidon
B - Damascus
C - Samaria
D - Zarephath
16)What happened to Jesus on 'the night he took bread'?
A - He received a vision
B - He was betrayed
C - He was baptised
D - He got married
17)The tempter suggested that Jesus convert these to bread:
A - figs
B - stones
C - bushels
D - olives
18)Who ate the bread crumbs that fell from the table?
A - parents
B - birds
C - dogs
D - children
19)How many loaves of bread did Abigail give to David?
A - 500
B - 300
C - 100
D - 200
20)According to Acts, the early Christians would break bread where?
A - In synagogues
B - In homes
C - In churches
D - In the town square
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