An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
1)Where was Elijah the Tishbite from?
A - God
B - Gilead
C - Gilboa
D - Geshur
2)What did Elijah do to the Worshippers of Baal?
A - Blessed them
B - Worshipped with them
C - Cursed them
D - Mocked them
3)What was Elijah taken up to heaven by?
A - a cloud
B - a chariot
C - a whirlwind
D - an eagle
4)What was Elijah?
A - a prophet
B - a scribe
C - a priest
D - a king
5)Who else appeared unto Jesus, Peter, James and John with Elijah?
A - Paul
B - Samuel
C - David
D - Moses
6)Who wanted to make three tabernacles when witnessing the above appearance?
A - James
B - Peter
C - John
D - Andrew
7)How long were the heavens shut up for in the days of Elijah?
A - 5 years and 2 months
B - 103 years and 9 months
C - 3 years and 6 months
D - 2 days
8)In Romans 11:2-3 Elijah is quoted saying, 'Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life.' (NKJV) Where is this cited in the Old Testament?
A - Joshua 4:9
B - 2 Chronicles 3:4
C - 1 Kings 19:10-14
D - 2 Kings 17:20
9)According to James, what was Elijah's nature like?
A - A beast that perishes
B - Ours
C - God's
D - Grass
10)The Levites asked this man if he was Elijah:
A - Jesus
B - Peter
C - Paul
D - John the Baptist
11)What did Elijah pray earnestly for and received an answer to his prayer?
A - Food
B - Health
C - That it would not rain
D - Wisdom
12)Who did people say that Jesus was, other than Elijah?
A - John the Baptist, and Isaac
B - John the Baptist, and Jeremiah
C - Joseph and Moses
D - Moses and Jeremiah
13)What were the words Jesus spoke that caused the people to think he was calling for Elijah?
A - Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
B - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani
C - Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres
D - Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty
14)With what did God reveal himself to Elijah?
A - a bright light
B - a prophet
C - an earthquake
D - a gentle whisper
15)How much of Elijah's spirit did Elisha receive?
A - Twice as much
B - The same amount
C - Half as much
D - None
16)Elijah performed a miracle for a widow from this place:
A - Gerah
B - Maresha
C - Ramah
D - Zarephath
17)When Elijah met with Elisha what was Elisha doing?
A - Sowing seed
B - Plowing the fields
C - Sleeping
D - Shearing the hay
18)What brook did Elijah drink from?
A - Kidron
B - Eschol
C - Kerith
D - Zered
19)What king was reigning in Jerusalem when Elijah sent him a letter?
A - Jehoram
B - Ahaziah
C - Jehoshaphat
D - Hezekiah
20)When Elijah fled into the wilderness, God asked him the following question:
A - Where are you going?
B - Why have you come here?
C - Where are you?
D - What are you doing here?
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