The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom...
1)According to Psalms, how do mountains skip?
A - Like goats
B - Like children
C - Like rams
D - Like antelopes
2)What is the name of the mountain of the Lord?
A - Gerizim
B - Zion
C - Sinai
D - Hermon
3)Where did the ark come to rest on?
A - Hills of Judea
B - Mount Gilboa
C - Forests of Lebanon
D - Mountains of Ararat
4)Where did Solomon build the house of the Lord?
A - Mount Moriah
B - Mount of Olives
C - Mount Carmel
D - Mount Tabor
5)Whose army was defeated at Mount Tabor?
A - Sennacherib
B - Sisera
C - Jabin
D - Joab
6)Which of the following notable events happened at Mount Sinai?
A - Jesus crucified
B - Jesus ascended
C - Joshua defeats Moab
D - Ten commandments received
7)Which was the Mount of Blessing?
A - Gerizim
B - Nebo
C - Zion
D - Olives
8)Moses saw the promised land from this mountain:
A - Ebal
B - Hermon
C - Tabor
D - Nebo
9)What did Joshua build on Mount Ebal?
A - Temple
B - Idol
C - Altar
D - House
10)What is an alternative name for Mount Hermon?
A - Zion
B - Sirion
C - Smyrna
D - Sinai
11)As Jesus walked to the cross, he warned the 'Daughters of Jerusalem' that they would say this to the mountains:
A - Run from us
B - Rise for us
C - Fall on us
D - Protect us
12)In the battle of the Amalekites and Israelites what did Moses do on the hill top?
A - Stood up and cheered
B - Waved them on
C - Held up his hands
D - Prayed
13)Luke quotes a prophecy concerning John the Baptist in which every mountain will be:
A - A high place
B - Green
C - Exalted
D - Made low
14)Who inherited Shechem in Mount Ephraim?
A - Merarites
B - Children of Aaron
C - Kohathites
D - Gershomites
15)Who dwelt in Mount Seir?
A - Esau
B - Jacob
C - Lot
D - Ishmael
16)What is remembered at hill Mizar?
A - A successful Battle
B - God
C - Happiness
D - Joy
17)Jesus was on this mount when he delivered a famous prophecy about the times of the end:
A - Mount of Olives
B - Mount Sinai
C - Mount Hermon
D - Mount Zion
18)As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds __________.
A - His enemies
B - His people
C - The land
D - The earth
19)What Mount is a Sabbath day's journey from Jerusalem?
A - Mount Zion
B - Mount Moriah
C - Mount of Olives
D - Mount Horeb
20)Where did Gideon have his army prior to confronting the Midianites?
A - Mount Gilead
B - Mount Tabor
C - Mount Gerizim
D - Mount Gilboa
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