Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her;
Isaiah 66:10
1)Pharaoh was having a special meal to celebrate this occasion when he decided to hang his baker:
A - His birthday
B - His victory in battle
C - Birth of his son
D - End of the plagues
2)When Abner was murdered by Joab, he (Abner) had eaten his last meal with this man:
A - Ish-Bosheth
B - David
C - Michal
D - Joab
3)According to Luke, to locate the venue for the last supper, Jesus instructed Peter and John to locate a man carrying this:
A - A donkey
B - A sack
C - A pallet
D - A jar of water
4)When Belshazzar was dining, and saw the writing on the wall, he became so frightened that:
A - He couldn't eat
B - His knees knocked together
C - He started to sweat
D - He started to weep
5)Abraham held a feast when this person was weaned:
A - Jacob
B - Ishmael
C - Isaac
D - Esau
6)Nabal was having a feast and was so drunk that his wife decided to wait until morning to tell him what had just happened. When she told him, what did he do?
A - He became like a stone
B - He flew into a rage
C - He laughed
D - He became very worried
7)The Psalmist in Psalm 42 says that tears were his food day and night while men said to him:
A - What have you done?
B - Work harder!
C - Where is your God?
D - You are doomed.
8)This man wanted to eat what the pigs were eating:
A - The poor blind man
B - The leper outside the city
C - The centurions slave
D - The prodigal son
9)This man was arguing with his father at dinner when his father took up a spear and threw it at him:
A - Jacob
B - Jonathan
C - Joab
D - Joseph
10)During Herod's birthday dinner, one of his relatives asked for:
A - A hand in marriage
B - A head on a platter
C - The salt
D - Half the kingdom
11)After Pentecost everyone met for meals in:
A - Their homes
B - The upper room
C - The temple court-yard
D - The synagogue
12)This man offered angels unleavened bread as they prepared to destroy a city:
A - Jeremiah
B - Abraham
C - Ezekiel
D - Lot
13)When men cried that there was 'Death in the pot', who saved them?
A - Moses
B - Joshua
C - Elisha
D - Elijah
14)Samuel had his cook set aside a special portion (the leg) to feed this man:
A - Eli
B - David
C - Solomon
D - Saul
15)Boaz offered Ruth a meal after she had:
A - Humbly requested it
B - Worked all day
C - Married him
D - Delivered food to her mother in law
16)When Job's brothers and sisters came to eat with him, each brought:
A - Silver and gold
B - A lamb
C - A garment
D - An ephah of corn
17)Reuel invited this stranger in to his house after he helped his daughters:
A - Jacob
B - Moses
C - Abraham
D - Lot
18)This man held a feast for his brothers with intent to kill one of them:
A - Esau
B - Judah
C - Absalom
D - Mephibosheth
19)Jesus, at dinner, identified the man who would betray him by pointing out that the man was:
A - Not eating
B - Suspicious
C - Leaving early
D - Dipping his hand into the bowl
20)What color was the stew that Jacob prepared for Esau?
A - Green
B - Brown
C - Red
D - Does not say
Hit count: 25140 (Since April 24, 2009)