A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
1)This could have been one of the animals that Peter was reluctant to 'rise, kill and eat'.
A - Ox
B - Pig
C - Antelope
D - Lamb
2)The fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that Eve ate in the garden was a:
A - Grape
B - Pear
C - Apple
D - Does not say
3)Rachel sold Jacob to Leah for this food:
A - Mandrakes
B - Goat cheese
C - Almonds
D - Pottage
4)The people who first saw this food asked themselves 'What is it?':
A - Wild Honey
B - Leeks
C - Manna
D - Locusts
5)God said people would eat so much of this food that it would come out of their noses:
A - Quail
B - Milk
C - Corn
D - Beef
6)This man ate grass for seven years:
A - Belteshazzar
B - Nebuchadnezzar
C - Nebuzaradan
D - Shishak
7)John the Baptist is recorded as eating the following
A - Manna
B - Melons
C - Lamb
D - Locusts
8)Jesus made the disciples breakfast with this food:
A - Barley cakes
B - Corn
C - Eggs
D - Fish
9)Ezekiel ate a scroll and it tasted:
A - Salty
B - Bitter
C - Sweet
D - Bland
10)One of the following is known in scripture to have requested a vegetarian diet:
A - Daniel
B - Elisha
C - Jesus
D - Peter
11)Jesus ate some of this food to confirm to his disciples that he had really been resurrected:
A - Wine
B - Curdled Milk
C - Broiled Fish
D - Unleavened Bread
12)Ezekiel was told to eat barley cakes prepared in this way:
A - With no leaven
B - Baked over human dung
C - Raw
D - Boiled in milk
13)This man was fed by ravens:
A - Noah
B - Elishama
C - Elisha
D - Elijah
14)Sisera had a bottle of milk given him to drink before going to sleep and being killed by this woman:
A - Jael
B - Deborah
C - Esther
D - Miriam
15)At one point in Samaria you could buy this food for eighty shekels (two pounds) of silver:
A - A lamb
B - A cow's hindquarter
C - A donkey's head
D - An ox
16)The Israelites in the desert were nostalgic about this Egyptian food:
A - Steak
B - Cheese
C - Garlic
D - Falafels
17)God guaranteed that the widow's supply of this should not run out (during the famine):
A - Honey
B - Milk
C - Wine
D - Oil
18)When the spies spied out the land, they came back with a huge cluster of grapes from this place:
A - Jericho
B - Valley of Eshcol
C - Gath
D - The plain of Jezreel
19)Jesus said that unless you eat this, you have no life in yourself:
A - The milk of the word
B - New wine
C - The manna from heaven
D - His flesh
20)According to the Bible, this was a land 'flowing with milk and honey'
A - Canaan
B - Egypt
C - Syria
D - Babylon
Hit count: 40726 (Since April 24, 2009)