Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser.
1)This city is the capital of Israel and the city of the great king:
A - Rome
B - Constantinople
C - Jerusalem
D - Hebron
2)Jonah preached to this city:
A - Nineveh
B - Rehoboth-Ir
C - Calah
D - Eber
3)Jesus was born in this city:
A - Nazareth
B - Jerusalem
C - Jericho
D - Bethlehem
4)Nebuchadnezzar was king in this city (his capital):
A - Babylon
B - Damascus
C - Nineveh
D - Cairo
5)This city was/is the capital of Syria:
A - Babylon
B - Damascus
C - Nineveh
D - Cairo
6)The Israelites marched around this city 13 times, and the walls came tumbling down:
A - Ai
B - Gath
C - Tyre
D - Jericho
7)Jesus grew up in this city:
A - Moab
B - Bethlehem
C - Bethany
D - Nazareth
8)Paul went to trial in this city, which was also the capital of the Roman Empire:
A - Ephesus
B - Rome
C - Jerusalem
D - Athens
9)Paul was born in this city:
A - Tarsus
B - Rome
C - Carthage
D - Constantinople
10)Which of the following was one of the seven cities which had one of the seven churches mentioned in the first couple chapters of Revelation:
A - Laodicea
B - Ekron
C - Athens
D - Rome
11)Jesus appeared to his disciples on the road to this city after his death and resurrection, but they did not recognize him at first:
A - Bethsaida
B - Emmaus
C - Bethany
D - Nazareth
12)In the parable of the good samaritan, the man who was assaulted by thieves was going from Jerusalem to this city:
A - Gaza
B - Hebron
C - Jericho
D - Ai
13)When the kingdom of Israel split, this city was most often the capital of the northern kingdom:
A - Samaria
B - Hebron
C - Judah
D - Jerusalem
14)When the kingdom of Israel split, this city was most often the capital of the southern kingdom:
A - Samaria
B - Hebron
C - Judah
D - Jerusalem
15)King David was born in this city:
A - Goshen
B - Bethlehem
C - Nazareth
D - Jerusalem
16)When Joseph was looking for his brothers, he found them here:
A - Ai
B - Shechem
C - Dothan
D - Samaria
17)This city was built by Cain:
A - Abel
B - Enoch
C - Bethel
D - Babel
18)What name did the city of Bethel have before it was named Bethel?
A - Luz
B - Hebron
C - Jerusalem
D - Lamech
19)Rachel died on the way to this city
A - Bethlehem
B - Heth
C - Jericho
D - Gath
20)Which one of these cities was not built by Nimrod?
A - Nineveh
B - Rehoboth
C - Calah
D - Eber
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