Like a gold ring in a swine's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
1)This angel told Mary she would bear the son of God:
A - Michael
B - Gabriel
C - Gideon
D - Unknown
2)An angel stopped the mouths of lions to protect this man:
A - Ezekiel
B - Jeremiah
C - Hosea
D - Daniel
3)An angel slew 185,000 soldiers from this army:
A - Assyrian
B - Ethiopian
C - Syrian
D - Egyptian
4)An angel informed Paul that he would survive this ordeal, as he had to appear before Caesar:
A - Bandits
B - Prison
C - Flogging
D - Shipwreck
5)Jesus stated that angels do not marry when discussing this topic:
A - Resurrection
B - Adultery
C - Faith
D - Heaven
6)An angel sat under an oak in Ophrah and addressed this 'valiant warrior':
A - Samson
B - Gideon
C - David
D - Jephtha
7)Jacob sent his family across this river before wrestling with an angel:
A - Jabbok
B - Jordan
C - Cherith
D - Nile
8)This man was made mute when he doubted an angel:
A - Saul
B - Thomas
C - Zechariah
D - Peter
9)An angel rolled a stone away from here:
A - A well
B - A pyramid
C - A quarry
D - A tomb
10)An angel was on a threshing floor when he stretched out his hand to destroy this city:
A - Babylon
B - Damascus
C - Jericho
D - Jerusalem
11)Cherubim with a flaming sword guarded the way to:
A - The temple
B - Heaven
C - The tree of life
D - Shiloh
12)Joshua encountered an angel holding a sword near this city:
A - Ai
B - Jericho
C - Gilgal
D - Jerusalem
13)An angel was strengthening Jesus in the garden, where his sweat became like:
A - Tears
B - Drops of water
C - Dew
D - Drops of blood
14)An angel of God called to this woman, urging her not to abandon her dying son:
A - Hagar
B - Jezebel
C - Rachel
D - Mary
15)An angel told this man to send messengers to Joppa:
A - Herod
B - Pilate
C - Cornelius
D - Augustus
16)An angel appeared to this man in a bush:
A - Elijah
B - Moses
C - Elisha
D - Adam
17)An angel struck this man, and he was eaten by worms and died:
A - Herod
B - Nebuchadnezzar
C - Merodach-baladan
D - Ahab
18)Angels took the news of Jesus birth to these men first:
A - The priests
B - The elders
C - The relatives
D - The shepherds
19)An angel used to stir the pool at this place:
A - Jordan
B - Siloam
C - Bethesda
D - Cherith
20)This man saw an angel ascend in the flame of an altar:
A - David
B - Manoah
C - Moses
D - Hezekiah
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