An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
1)Paul's Jewish name was:
A - Jeremiah
B - Gideon
C - Saul
D - Absalom
2)Paul was from this tribe:
A - Dan
B - Benjamin
C - Judah
D - Issachar
3)Paul was born outside of Israel in this city:
A - Rome
B - Antioch
C - Athens
D - Tarsus
4)Where did Paul's nephew live?
A - Tarsus
B - Crete
C - Jerusalem
D - Jericho
5)His father followed the teachings of:
A - Plato
B - Jesus
C - The Stoics
D - Pharisees
6)Paul was a citizen of:
A - Greece
B - Palestine
C - Rome
D - Damascus
7)Paul was educated in the school of:
A - Gamaliel
B - Hillel
C - Augustus
D - Herod
8)Paul was present when this man was killed:
A - Judas
B - Barrabas
C - Ananias
D - Stephen
9)Paul's first role in early Christianity was that of a:
A - Persecutor
B - Martyr
C - Writer
D - Preacher
10)Paul requested permission from the authorities in Jerusalem to visit this city:
A - Antioch
B - Babylon
C - Damascus
D - Tyre
11)On the road at noon Paul met:
A - Herod
B - Jesus
C - Peter
D - Pilate
12)As a result of this meeting he was:
A - Blinded
B - Promoted
C - Bruised
D - Sick
13)How long did Paul spend at Judas' house without eating or drinking?
A - 1 day
B - 3 days
C - 1 week
D - 1 weekend
14)God sent this man to cure Paul:
A - Ananias
B - James
C - Apollos
D - John Mark
15)Once healed, Paul went to preach here:
A - Forum
B - Cathedral
C - Synagogue
D - Temple
16)Paul had to escape from Damascus using a:
A - Basket
B - Horse
C - Ladder
D - Chariot
17)After his escape, Paul spent some time in:
A - Ur of the Chaldees
B - Spain
C - Arabia
D - Greece
18)His first visit to Jerusalem after his conversion was to visit:
A - John
B - Peter
C - Mary
D - James
19)Paul was sent to preach to these people:
A - Jews
B - Romans
C - Muslims
D - Gentiles
20)Paul's companion on his early missionary trips was:
A - Timothy
B - Cornelius
C - Luke
D - Barnabas
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