The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens.
1)A burning bush caught this man's attention:
A - Jethro
B - Joab
C - Moses
D - Jacob
2)Adam and Eve made aprons using this plants' leaves:
A - Fig
B - Palm
C - Fir
D - Oak
3)Cedars are renown in the Bible as coming from this place:
A - Jerusalem
B - Jericho
C - Tyre
D - Lebanon
4)Noah's ark was made out of this type of wood:
A - Gopher
B - Cedar
C - Oak
D - Pine
5)This plant provided Jonah with shade (for a while):
A - A water lily
B - A fern
C - A palm
D - A gourd
6)Jesus condemned this plant because it had no fruit:
A - Fig
B - Apple
C - Olive
D - Vine
7)This man climbed a tree in order to see Jesus:
A - John
B - Zacchaeus
C - Peter
D - Agabus
8)The Israelites sent spies into the land of Canaan, which brought back samples of this fruit, so heavy that two men had to carry it.
A - Grapes
B - Watermelons
C - Coconuts
D - Figs
9)This judge of Israel is said to have dwelt under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel:
A - Jephtha
B - Gideon
C - Samson
D - Deborah
10)Aaron's rod that budded brought forth this type of fruit:
A - Fig
B - Almonds
C - Olive
D - Apple
11)Eve ate of this fruit in the garden of Eden:
A - Pomegranate
B - Apple
C - Strawberry
D - It is not known
12)Noah sent out a dove from the ark which brought back a leaf plucked from this plant:
A - Juniper
B - Kelp
C - Olive
D - Fig
13)Absalom was fleeing battle when he got his head caught in this type of plant:
A - Oak
B - Cedar
C - Mangrove
D - Bramble
14)When Solomon reigned, it is said that every man dwelt in safety, under a vine and this tree:
A - Olive
B - Fig
C - Palm
D - Juniper
15)Jotham uttered a parable concerning the trees. In the parable, which tree agrees to be king?
A - Olive
B - Fig
C - Thornbush
D - Vine
16)When Elijah fled from Jezebel and asked God that he might die, he did so under this tree:
A - Broom
B - Cedar
C - Oak
D - Fig
17)Where did God plant a garden?
A - The Euphrates
B - Jerusalem
C - Eden
D - Egypt
18)This man had a vineyard next to the kings palace:
A - Josiah
B - Elias
C - Lot
D - Naboth
19)According to Jesus, in order to move a mountain, we need an amount of faith comparable to this:
A - An oak tree
B - A mustard seed
C - A fig leaf
D - An apple seed
20)Jesus wore a crown made of the following:
A - Olive branches
B - Fig leaves
C - Golden leaves
D - Thorns
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