Strive for peace with all men, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:14

1)What animal was the first to be let out of Noah's ark?

2)It is easier for this animal to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God:

3)This animal was sacrificed instead of Isaac:

4)In the book of Revelation, Death rides this animal:

5)This animal provided Jesus with money to pay taxes:

6)These were some of the exotic animals that were brought to Solomon:

7)These animals fed Elijah during the famine:

8)During the ten plagues, these animals came out of the river Nile:

9)The prodigal son would have been happy to eat the food intended for this animal:

10)This judge lit 300 foxes' tails on fire:

11)Aaron made an image of this animal for the people of Israel:

12)Moses made an image of this animal for the people of Israel:

13)This animal made a disciple aware of his sin:

14)Elisha set a pair of these animals loose on a gang of rowdies who were taunting him.

15)This animal was killed by Samson, and he later found honey in the carcass:

16)This animal is cursed above all cattle and above all wild animals:

17)This animal saved it's master from the angel of God:

18)This animal killed a prophet of the Lord, but did not eat him or his donkey.

19)These animals devoured Ahab's wife:

20)Samson used the jawbone of this animal to slay a thousand Philistines

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