Let your work speak for itself, and don't interrupt.
Edgar Kaiser Jr.
1)This man was stoned over a vineyard.
A - Joseph
B - Noah
C - Naboth
D - Jether
2)This Israelite commander was murdered at the gates of Hebron.
A - Amasa
B - Abner
C - Benaiah
D - Joab
3)This fat king had a dagger driven through his stomach while in a private consultation.
A - Absalom
B - Nebuchadnezzar
C - Xerxes
D - Eglon
4)This man murdered his own brother
A - Cain
B - David
C - Ahab
D - Obed
5)This man was stoned to death, after he claimed to have seen Christ in heaven.
A - James
B - Peter
C - Paul
D - Stephen
6)This general was murdered in his sleep by a woman who drove a tent peg through his head.
A - Sisera
B - Nebuzaradan
C - RabShakeh
D - Darius
7)This man murdered 85 priests of the LORD.
A - Adonijah
B - Sheba son of Bichri
C - Doeg the Edomite
D - Nethania
8)This one of David's sons was murdered at a party.
A - Amnon
B - Adonijah
C - Absalom
D - Solomon
9)This foolish man's wife saved him from being murdered.
A - Saul
B - Moses
C - Jeremiah
D - Nabal
10)The children of this town were ruthlessly murdered by Herod.
A - Bethlehem
B - Jerusalem
C - Nazareth
D - Samaria
11)This man was betrayed to be murdered for 30 pieces of silver.
A - David
B - Joseph
C - Jesus
D - Lot
12)This man was murdered for not doing his duty, and he was left to wallow in his blood, while one of his murderer's men stood guard.
A - Jehoshaphat
B - Amasa
C - Abner
D - Abishai
13)This man murdered an Egyptian taskmaster and buried him in the sand.
A - Abraham
B - Moses
C - Joseph
D - Jacob
14)This woman murdered her whole family, except one grandson.
A - Jezebel
B - Mishat
C - Jehoiada
D - Athalia
15)Two brothers slew all the men of Shechem, for the sake of this woman.
A - Dinah
B - Ruth
C - Esther
D - Abigail
16)This man killed 30 men, just to get their garments.
A - David
B - Saul
C - Samson
D - Gideon
17)This man's army tried to convince him to kill his enemy in a cave.
A - David
B - Saul
C - Samson
D - Gideon
18)This king of Judah murdered his children by burning them before pagan gods.
A - Jozadek
B - Ahaz
C - Hezekiah
D - Zimri
19)This man's murder was carefully planned by someone having an affair with his wife.
A - Uriah
B - Azahel
C - Jehoahaz
D - Zedekiah
20)This man's head was brought in on a platter.
A - Joab
B - Daniel
C - Ezekiel
D - John the Baptist
Hit count: 28982 (Since April 24, 2009)