Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
1)Jonah was sent to which city?
A - Joppa
B - Nineveh
C - Tarshish
D - Samaria
2)Jonah decided he would go to which city instead?
A - Joppa
B - Nineveh
C - Tarshish
D - Samaria
3)What was Jonah doing during the storm which the ship was in?
A - Sleeping
B - Praying
C - Eating
D - Reading
4)Who was Jonah's father?
A - Mahalael
B - Amittai
C - Tirzah
D - Obed
5)What did the ship's crew do to improve their chances of survival?
A - Sailed toward land
B - Took down the sails
C - Dropped anchor
D - Threw their cargo overboard
6)How did the ship's crew find out that Jonah was the cause of the storm?
A - They drew lots
B - Jonah confessed
C - They guessed
D - They saw a vision
7)What was the crew's reaction when they heard that Jonah was fleeing from the living God?
A - They mocked him
B - They were angry
C - They were scared
D - They didn't care
8)Who proposed that Jonah be thrown overboard?
A - The captain of the ship
B - The crew
C - God through a vision
D - Jonah
9)What happened to them once Jonah was thrown overboard?
A - The ship sank
B - The storm stopped
C - They reached land
D - They were struck dead
10)How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
A - 1 day
B - 3 days
C - 7 days
D - 12 days
11)How big was the city that Jonah was sent to?
A - 3 days journey wide
B - 3 miles wide
C - 3 stadia wide
D - 3 thousand cubits
12)How long were the inhabitants of that city give to repent?
A - 3 days
B - 12 days
C - 40 days
D - 70 days
13)How did the inhabitants of the city react to Jonah's warning?
A - They mocked it
B - They ignored it
C - They didn't believe
D - They repented
14)What was Jonah's reaction to the way the people reacted?
A - He rejoiced
B - He was sorrowful
C - He was angry
D - He was uncaring
15)As a result of this feeling, Jonah asks God to do what?
A - Kill him
B - Destroy the city
C - Send him to Jerusalem
D - Protect him
16)What does God do for Jonah?
A - Gives him food
B - Grows a plant for him
C - Heals him
D - Kills him
17)Once God does this for him, what does God do the next day?
A - Resurrects him
B - Gives him more food
C - Takes him home
D - Kills the plant
18)God then sends a wind on Jonah from what direction?
A - North
B - East
C - South
D - West
19)What was Jonah's reaction to this sequence of events?
A - He praises God
B - He wishes to go home
C - He is angry and wishes to die
D - He is pleased with what God has done
20)How many people in the city did not know their left hand from their right?
A - 120,000
B - 140,000
C - 160,000
D - 180,000
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