A man's mind plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.


1)This woman hung a red rope from her window...

2)This woman conspired with her husband to lie to the Holy Spirit...

3)This woman laughed at God's promise concerning her child...

4)This woman was seen bathing...

5)This woman and her husband were tent makers...

6)This woman was David's great-grandmother...

7)This woman was deceived by a serpent...

8)This woman was raped by her half-brother...

9)This woman died after being pushed out of a window...

10)This woman won a beauty contest...

11)This woman kept watch over her baby brother as he was rocked by the Nile...

12)This woman was visited by a desperate and disguised king of Israel...

13)This woman had bad eyesight...

14)This woman drove a tent peg through her guest's head...

15)Two of this woman's brothers killed all the men of Shechem.

16)This woman had a fool for her first husband...

17)This woman had her boyfriend's head shaved...

18)This woman's husband, and both her sons, died in Moab...

19)This woman was the mother of Benjamin...

20)This woman married a carpenter...

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