The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens.
1)In the parable of the sower, how many different types of ground were there?
A - 3
B - 4
C - 5
D - 6
2)What happened to the seeds that fell by the wayside?
A - Birds ate them
B - They were trampled
C - They were scorched
D - They flourished
3)What is it that turns away those who 'received the seed in stony places'?
A - The riches of this world
B - Television
C - False doctrine
D - Persecution
4)The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of what small seed?
A - Coriander
B - Fig
C - Mustard
D - Tomato
5)According to Matthew 'The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and hid in ________ measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.'
A - 3
B - 7
C - 12
D - 40
6)What did the merchant man do when he found the 'pearl of great price'?
A - Mortgaged his house
B - Scorned it
C - Sold all that he had
D - Stole it
7)A certain king was taking account of his servants, and one was brought which owed him ten thousand talents. What was the king going to do about it?
A - Forgive him the debt
B - Re-finanace the debt
C - Throw him in prison
D - Sell him and his wife into slavery
8)How many times did the householder go out to hire labourers?
A - 3
B - 4
C - 5
D - 6
9)What time was it when he went out the last time?
A - The ninth hour
B - The eleventh hour
C - The sixth hour
D - The third hour
10)What wage did those hired on the first hour get?
A - One denarius
B - Two denarius
C - Three denarius
D - Four denarius
11)What wage did those hired at the third hour get?
A - One denarius
B - Two denarius
C - Three denarius
D - Four denarius
12)A householder lent out his vineyard to husbandmen. The husbandmen kill the householder's son because:
A - He used to whip them
B - He was a thief
C - He was the heir
D - He was demanding taxes
13)What was the ratio of wise to foolish virgins
A - 9/1
B - 7/3
C - 6/4
D - 5/5
14)What distinguished the wise virgins from the foolish?
A - They read their Bible more
B - They had more oil for their lamps
C - They had food for the journey
D - They didn't sleep
15)At what time did the bridegroom come?
A - At midnight
B - At noon
C - At 6 am
D - At 6 pm
16)What did the bridegroom say to the foolish virgins?
A - You should have been better people
B - Where were you?
C - I don't know you
D - You should have read the Bible more
17)In the parable of the talents, each person was given a varying number of talents based on what?
A - Their good works
B - Their ability
C - Their lineage
D - Their knowledge
18)He that received the one talent, hid it because he knew his lord was:
A - A forgiving man
B - Not interested in small capital
C - Forgetful
D - A hard man
19)He that received five talents returned how many to his Lord?
A - 10
B - 7
C - 5
D - 1
20)He that received two talents returned how many to his Lord?
A - 10
B - 6
C - 4
D - 2
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