Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.
1)What did the Israelites do in Egypt with their feet so that their crops would grow?
A - plucked the weeds
B - did a rain dance
C - irrigated them
D - fertilized them
2)Before the Israelites could enter the promised land, the priests had to place the soles of their feet where?
A - on the desert sands
B - in the Mediterranean Sea
C - on Mt. Sinai
D - in the waters of the Jordan
3)The Psalmist prophesied of the Messiah that God would make whom his footstool?
A - His mother
B - His disciples
C - The Pharisses
D - His enemies
4)In the New Testament, who prophesied of the Messiah that he would guide their feet in the way of peace?
A - Nicodemus
B - Mary
C - Zechariah
D - John the Baptist
5)Who did not want Jesus to wash his feet?
A - Mary
B - John
C - a Roman Centurian
D - Peter
6)A certain lame man's feet were strengthened when he was healed in what place?
A - the river Jordan
B - Meribah
C - the temple gate called Beautiful
D - the foot of the cross
7)Who did not receive enough inheritance to set his foot on?
A - Jesus
B - the disciples
C - Abraham
D - Moses
8)According to Ephesians 6, we should have our feet fitted with what?
A - the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
B - spikenard
C - a piece of the cross of Jesus
D - sandals
9)According to the Apostle Paul in Romans (quoting Isaiah), the feet of the wicked are swift to do what?
A - find mischief
B - shed blood
C - get calloused
D - run a race
10)In Revelation, the 'one like the Son of man' had feet like what?
A - clay
B - fine gold
C - bronze
D - silver
11)In Revelation 7, John saw four angels standing on what?
A - the pinnacle of the temple
B - the foot of the cross of Jesus
C - the four corners of the earth
D - the sea
12)In Revelation, who stood on their feet after being dead for three and a half days?
A - John and Jesus
B - The two witnesses
C - The Saints
D - Martha and Mary
13)Who gathered up his feet in his bed before he died?
A - Moses
B - Jacob
C - Ishmael
D - Stephen
14)What did Moses put on the big toe of the right foot of Aaron and his sons?
A - A sceptre
B - His lips
C - Blood
D - Nard
15)God told the Israelites that he would not give them a foot breadth of the land belonging to which nation?
A - Esau
B - Babylon
C - Syria
D - Egypt
16)In the dream Nebuchadnezzar had of an image, what were the feet made of?
A - ivory
B - iron and clay
C - gold
D - alabaster
17)In Revelation 2, the Son of God is described as having feet like this.
A - solid gold
B - potters clay
C - burnished bronze
D - polished silver
18)Balaam's donkey crushed Balaam's foot against what?
A - Mt. Sinai
B - a wall
C - the temple
D - a gatepost
19)According to Moses, what did NOT happen to the feet of the Israelites during the 40 years in the wilderness?
A - they swelled
B - they got gangrene
C - they got sore
D - they were subject to athlete's foot
20)According to Judges, who had his thumbs and his great toes cut off?
A - Ahaziah
B - Daniel
C - Judas
D - Adonibezek
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